Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Balik nama atau mutasi PBB adalah perpindahan nama Wajib Pajak PBB dari si A kepada si B. proses balik nama atau mutasi ini biasanya sudah didahului oleh adanya kegiatan jual beli tanah atau tanah & bangunan dari si pemilik lama (A) ke pemilik baru (B).

Perlu disadari oleh pemilik lama / penjual (A) proses jual beli tanah/ tanah & bangunan adalah proses hukum yang harus didukung oleh dokumen yang sah hitam di atas putih. Banyaknya sengketa tanah yang terjadi adalah tidak adanya dokumen jual beli yang sah yang disahkan oleh Notaris/PPAT, hanya berdasarkan kepercayaan antar penjual dan pembeli. Akibat fatalnya adalah sengketa kepemilikan tanah yang tidak berkesudahan.

Kewajiban penjual (A) saat menjual / mengalihkan hak atas tanahnya kepada pembeli (B) adalah kewajiban untuk membayar PPh final sebesar 5% dari harga jual yang telah disepakati.
Contoh :
Si A menjual sebidang tanah seluas 30 m2 di daerah kebon jeruk kepada si B dengan harga transaksi 75 juta atau 2,5 juta/m2. dari SPPT PBB atas tanah tersebut dengan Nomor Objek Pajak (NOP) didapatkan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (NJOP) sebesar 65 juta. Si A tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan si B (jual beli biasa bukan karena waris).

Maka perhitungan PPh nya
PPh x harga transaksi/NJOP
karena Harga transaksi (75 jt) lebih tinggi dari NJOP (65jt) maka yang dipakai adalah yang lebih tinggi, sehingga
5 % x 65 juta = 3,25 juta.
ini adalah besarnya PPh yang harus disetor Penjual ke kas negara.

Kewajiban pembeli adalah membayar BPHTB (Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan) sebesar 5% dari transaksi/NJOP setelah dikurangi pengurang. Pengurang yang berlaku di kantor KPP Pratama kebon jeruk adalah 60 jt, maka :
5 % x (75 jt - 60 jt) = 5 % x 15 jt = 750 rb.
jadi SSB (Setoran BPHTB) yang dibayar pembeli kepada kas negara = 750 rb.

Untuk proses balik nama dokumen yang harus disertakan adalah :
1. foto copy identitas pembeli, KK
2. Surat keterangan lurah (PM 1) ditandatangani lurah tempat objek pajak
3. Foto copy SSB
4. Akte Jual Beli
5. Sertipikat tanah (bagi yang sudah memiliki)
6. Surat permohonan balik nama yang ditujukan ke kantor pajak
7. foto copy SPPT PBB dan tanda lunas pembayaran tahun berjalan (STTS)
8. SPOP/LSPOP yang sudah diisi lengkap jelas benar dan ditandatangani WP.

Dokumen isi selanjutnya diteliti dari segi administrasi, meliputi benar tidaknya dokumen (asli/palsu), benar tidaknya besarnya luasan objek pajak (tanah bangunan) benar tidaknya orang-orang yang terdapat dengan dokumen dan yang mengajukan mutasi dan apakah SSB telah dibayar dengan benar sesuai perhitungan.

Pemeriksaan Sederhana Lapangan (PSL)
PSL dilaksanakan oleh pegawai kantor pajak setelah diberikan Surat Tugas dan Surat Ijin Keluar untuk PSL oleh kantor pajak (kepala kantor). Dengan membawa dokumen yang telah diajukan oleh WP petugas mengecek kondisi lapangan Objek Pajak meliputi benar tidaknya alamat OP, luasan OP, dan benar tidaknya pengisian SPOP/LSPOP di lapangan. Yang sering terjadi adalah WP tidak mengisi LSPOP dengan benar terutama di komponen bangunannya. Beton diisi batu bata, keramik impor diisi semen, dll. Semua kondisi OP harus difoto sebagai bahan laporan ke kantor pajak agar dapat diproses.

PSL biasanya dibarengi dengan ekstensifikasi WP yaitu dengan cara menyarankan WP untuk diberikan NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) bagi WP yang telah memenuhi persyaratan. Apabila WP tidak bersedia dengan alasan yang dibuat-buat atau tidak sesuai kondisi maka NPWP dapat diterbitkan secara jabatan oleh kepala kantor pajak yang bersangkutan.

Yang diterima dari proses mutasi adalah SPPT PBB baru dengan nama yang sudah dimutasi dan NPWP bagi wajib pajak. Mudah Bukan!!

Bagi temen-temen di seksi eksten, saat ke lapangan jangan lupa FOTO objek, sekalian cari data transaksinya. 1 kerjaan 2 kerjaan lain terselesaikan.

Selamat Bekerja.
(mohon dikoreksi untuk postingannya)


Jika kita termasuk yang sering bercukur di tukang cukur bermerk "Pangkas Rambut", cobalah bertanya kepada si akang pemangkas rambut tersebut perihal pendapatannya, maka kita akan takjub bagaimana dia bisa memperoleh 100 hingga 200 ribu perhari

Kemudian tanyakan juga kepada para pedagang toko kecil yang banyak berdiri di sudut jalan atau ujung gang, biasanya mereka menjual rokok, penganan kecil seperti biskuit dan permen dan juga kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti sabun dan pasta gigi. Hampir semua pemilik warung kecil itu selalu ada saja yang membeli barang dangangan mereka.

Semua pun tahu, bahwa nyaris semua penjahit yang datang dari padang kemudian mencari nafkah di Kalimantan Barat atau di wilayah lain, tetapi kenyataannya mereka tetap hidup dan bisa sejahtera. Seperti halnya tempat-tempat penambal ban maupun bengkel motor di pinggir jalan itu sering kita panggil "Ucok" yang menandakan mereka datang dari Sumatra Utara, tetapi tetap bisa mendapat uang di rantau orang

Tentu sangat menarik memperhatikan fenomena ini, karena masing-masing mereka sudah ada 'jatah' rezeki dari Allah Swt. Seperti halnya semut yang kecil itu atau nyamuk. Makhluk Allah ini mempunyai rezeki masing-masing. Dan Allah Maha Adil membagi-bagi rezeki kepada setiap makhluk di muka bumi ini.

Lebih jelasnya, setiap orang itu akan mendapatkan rezeki tergantung dari keterampilan yang dimilikinya. Orang yang memiliki skill memotong rambut, maka ia akan membuka usaha cukur rambut. Orang yang mendapatkan pelayanan dari keahlian si tukang cukur, akan membayar sesuai jerih payah dan keahlian tersebut. Sama halnya dengan kita, keterampilan apa yang bisa kita "jual" agar pihak lain mau mengeluarkan sejumlah uang sesuai keahlian yang kita miliki itu.

Intinya, jangan pernah berharap rezeki akan datang begitu saja tanpa ada satu usaha untuk menunjukkan satu bentuk keterampilan yang kita miliki. Lebih dari satu keterampilan yang kita miliki, Insya Allah akan lebih pula yang bisa didapat. Tidak punya keterampilan satu pun, siap-siap selalu gigit jari karena kesempatan selalu terlewat begitu saja tanpa bisa kita raih.

Misalnya begini, pernah ada seorang kawan yang bertanya perihal lowongan di tempat saya bekerja. Kemudian saya tanya, "Mengoperasikan mesin jahit bisa? Bisa memotong kain dengan mesin tidak ?" Untuk dua pertanyaan tersebut, jawabannya sama : Tidak. Ooh, ya kalau begitu saya ajukan satu pertanyaan lagi, "Bisa mengemudi mobil?" Berhubung saat itu di kantor memang sedang membutuhkan seseorang dengan keahlian tersebut. Nyatanya, ia juga menjawab "Tidak" meski dibubuhi kalimat pendukung, "tapi saya bisa belajar kok"

Agak sulit bagi siapa pun untuk membantu mencarikan pekerjaan buat seseorang yang tidak memiliki satu pun keterampilan. Bahkan seorang Office Boy (OB) sekalipun memiliki keterampilan khusus yang menjadi prasyarat ia bisa diterima bekerja sebagai office boy.

Rezeki tidak pernah salah alamat, itu pasti. Kalau mengibaratkannya dengan seorang tukang pos pengantar surat, ia tidak akan pernah kesulitan mengantar surat jika tertera alamat yang jelas dan lengkap. Ditambah lagi, si pemilik rumah pun semestinya menuliskan alamat rumahnya dengan jelas, seperti nomor rumah, RT/RW dan lain sebagainya, agar pak pos tak kesulitan mencocokkan alamat tertera di surat dengan alamat kita. Jangan salahkan jika tukang pos kebingungan mencari alamat kita, karena boleh jadi kita memang tak memasang alamat jelas di depan rumah.

Jadi, tunjukkan kemampuan, keterampilan, dan keahlian yang kita miliki. Agar orang lain bisa melihatnya dengan jelas dan memberikan kesempatan terbaik buat kita. Karena rezeki memang tidak pernah salah alamat, hanya kadang kita sendiri yang tak menunjukkan alamat jelas, sehingga seringkali rezeki berlalu begitu saja. **
Sumber :
Penulis : Oleh : Adi Supriadi,S.Sos (Ahmad Muhammad Haddad Assyarkhan)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Halo temen-temen,

Agak lama aku gak nulis di blog ini, ya, karena kesibukan di kantor baru yang banyak menyita waktu dan lambatnya koneksi internet xl saat ku pakai di jakarta (baik kantor maupun kost).
Saat posting ini aku ada di magelang. Koneksi internet via xl di sini tergolong sangat cepat di kelasnya, mungkin juga karena tower xl hanya sekitar 250 meter dari rumahku, atau mungkin juga karena bts yang bersangkutan punya power (khususnya untuk gprs) yang lebih daripada di jakarta.

Sebagaimana biasa, hari jumat sore aku pulang ke magelang dan minggu sore kembali ke jakarta. Jadi praktis hampir tak ada waktu luang yang enak, kecuali malem hari antara selasa sampai kamis malem.

OK, Update yang pertama tentang informasi IPK atau impres atau apa lah yang akan diterima bulan Desember. Hari kamis kemarin aku telpon ke mbak nia di bagian keuangan dan menanyakan masalah pengusulan IPK untuk anak-anak yang dulunya tugas belajar S2 apakah dari kantor pelayanan atau dari kantor pusat. Jawabannya IPK akan diusulkan oleh kantor pusat dalam waktu dekat ini (saat aku telpon belum diusulkan). Menyangkut masalah tanda tangan yang biasa untuk pengusulan IPK jawaban mbak nia kita tidak perlu tanda tangan, jadi cukup diem di tempat kerja, insya allah setelah keluar akan segera dikirim ke rekening BRI masing-masing.

UPdate kedua tentang pengusulan DP3 tahun 2007. Seperti biasa kinerja kita akan dievaluasi lewat DP3 yang biasanya disusun/diusulkan bulan desember. Biasanya persyaratan DP3 tahun ini adalah DP3 tahun kemarin. Untuk DP3 tahun 2006 yang sudah dibuatkan oleh kantor pusat, semua DP3 anak-anak tugas belajar masih di bagian kepegawaian. Dalam hal ini hari senin lalu saya telah menemui mas Himawan (mep) dan minta bantuan untuk pengambilan DP3 tersebut, nama-nama di luar jakarta sudah saya usulkan untuk diambil bareng-bareng, sedangkan nama-nama penempatan jakarta seperti biasanya bisa diambil sendiri.

Teknis penyampaian DP3 tersebut sampai ke kantor pelayanan (kantor penempatan) akan saya konsultasikan dengan mas ervandi dan mbak septi. option nya kemungkinan pakai TIKI seperti saat mengirimkan SKPP TK, dengan mengambil biaya dari kas. Tapi yang ini kepastiannya tunggu aja postingan selanjutnya.

Update ketiga tentang pengusulan SPPD. Berkas temen-temen yang sudah masuk melalui saya via kantor pratama gropet (grogol petamburan), semuanya sudah saya usulkan baik untuk tanda tangan pak estu maupun untuk tanda tangan pak syaiful. Urusan selnjutnya pengusulan SPPD saya kembali meminta bantuan rekan Himawan untuk menyelesaikannya. Dalam waktu 1-2 hari ke depan, insyaallah saya akan ke kantor pusat untuk memastikan proses jalannya pengusulan SPPD. Semoga lancar-lancar aja gak ada kendala.

Update keempat berita tentang Grade. Pengamatan saya sementara ini, sepertinya ada kebingungan baik dari saya pribadi atau temen-temen tentang siapa yang harus menentukan grade untuk kita. Untuk saya pribadi di Gropet, grade sudah dibuatkan oleh kepala kantor dan diserahkan dalam amplop tertutup bersama berkas nota dinas saya di seksi ekstensifikasi. Tetapi beberapa hari belakangan ini saya mendapatkan informasi dari mas Jarot (cibinong) bahwa grade kita sebenarnya ditentukan oleh kantor pusat, oleh sebab itu dalam waktu dekat kantor pusat akan mengirimkan grade kita ke kantor-kantor penempatan.

Masih info dari mas jarot sebenarnya grade kita bisa diukur saat kita menerima TK bulan Oktober, yaitu sebesar 1,7. Untuk TK sebesar itu 'katanya' grade kita dari kantor pusat adalah 11. (info ini diperoleh saat telpon mbak nia).

Untuk masalah grade ini terus terang masih simpang siur, untuk kepastiannya saya akan konfirmasi informasi ini lewat mas himawan, semoga ada jawaban yang pasti. Hal ini nampaknya sangat ditunggu-tunggu karena tidak adanya kesamaan grade yang diterima, sementara ditentukan oleh kantor masing-masing. Untuk kantor tertentu diberikan grade tinggi, sedangkan di kantor lain diberikan lebih rendah.

Semoga di update postingan yang akan datang akan lebih jelas tentang permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi dan mendapatkan jawaban yang pasti.
Tunggu postingan update selanjutnya...

tambahan :
Untuk rekan-rekan geomatika dan punggawa, saya minta maaf karena postingan ini saya posting lewat corner. Dari beberapa postingan saya di geomatika6 kayaknya rata-rata pengunjung agak nggak 'suka' saya ngomongin intern pajak. Jadi saya posting yang intern sampai ke jumlah duit lewat blog ini saja, saya merasa lebih bebas, lebih nyaman, dan saya merasa tidak mengganggu tamu-tamu yang mau berkunjung ke geomatika6 yang dari luar pajak.
Maafkan aku ya mas ervandi & pengelola geomatika6...
semoga bisa dimengerti dan dimaklumi

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Magnet Keluarga

Magnet atau magnit adalah suatu obyek yang mempunyai suatu medan magnet. Kata magnet (magnit) berasal dari bahasa Yunani magnítis líthos yang berarti batu Magnesian. MagnesiaManisa (sekarang berada di wilayah Turki) di mana terkandung batu magnet yang ditemukan sejak zaman dulu di wilayah tersebut. adalah nama sebuah wilayah di Yunani pada masa lalu yang kini bernama

Pada saat ini, suatu magnet adalah suatu materi yang mempunyai suatu medan magnet. Materi tersebut bisa dalam berwujud magnet tetap atau magnet tidak tetap. Magnet yang sekarang ini ada hampir semuanya adalah magnet buatan.

Magnet selalu memiliki dua kutub yaitu: kutub utara (north/ N) dan kutub selatan (south/ S). Walaupun magnet itu dipotong-potong, potongan magnet kecil tersebut akan tetap memiliki dua kutub.

Bagaikan sebuah magnet, keluarga memiliki daya tarik yang lebih dasyat yang dapat menarik seseorang kembali ke keluarganya yang jauhnya ratusan sampai puluhan ribu kilometer. Seperti juga kita, jarak 500-600 kilo harus ditempuh hampir setiap minggu untuk pulang ke keluarga.

Banyak bapak (kepala keluarga) yang keluarganya di Jawa (Jawa Tengah?DIY/Jawa Timur) yang bekerja di Jakarta. Tiap minggu pulang dengan ongkos 250-300 ribu dikeluarkan untuk transport saja. Belum lagi waktu di rumah masih harus ngeluarin duit banyak untuk bawa keluarga jalan-jalan, ongkos keseharian, oleh-oleh de el el, akhirnya tiap minggu paling nggak 400 ribu untuk pulang ke keluarga.

Keluarga adalah magnet yang luar biasa. Tak banyak kekuatan ikatan sekuat ini yang mempu menandinginya. Orang merasa aman, nyaman, tentram dan bahagia ketika kembali ke lingkungan keluarga. Suasana ini tak bisa dibeli dengan apapun atau dengan harga berapapun. Itulah salah satu alasannya kenapa orang berbondong-bondong mudik saat lebaran. Mereka semua satu tujuan, merayakan hari yang paling bermakna bersama keluarga.

Sungguh sangat ironis, bila kita saksikan di televisi banyak rumah tangga retak dipicu hal sepele. Selebritis gonta-ganti pasangan. Gugat cerai ada di mana-mana. Aduuuh andaikan semua bisa menghayati arti dan magnet keluarga, mungkin segala permasalahan yang bersumber dari keluarga bisa ditekan.

Memelihara keutuhan keluarga bukan hanya menjaga tidak tercerai berai, menjaga artinya menjauhkan keluarga kita dari kemaksiyatan juga. Menjauhkan keluarga dari api neraka. Sebuah tugas yang teramat berat dan teramat mulia yang disandang oleh seorang kepala keluarga seperti kita. Semoga kita kembali menyadari magnet keluarga adalah kita sebagai salah satu kutubnya. Jika kutub satu magnet hilang, maka kekuatan magnet itu bakal hilang juga. Jagalah kedua kutub itu seimbang. semoga kita bisa menjaga amanah ini.

yang tersedu dan merenung,


Hai pa kabar!

Jakarta tiap hari hujan, berangkat kantor hujan, pulang kantor juga hujan…

Untung aja hari-hari penempatan di seksi ekstensifikasi belum dapet jatah De El.

Perlu persiapan khusus untuk bersepeda motor diantara gang-gang jakarta, apalagi siang hari juga diguyur hujan.

Hari ini rasanya hepy banget. Pagi tadi aku ke mas eko, bendahara kantor, nanyain masalah duit yang bakal diterima bulan November ini, jawabannya bikin lega :

  1. Aku tanyain masalah kekurangan tunjangan bulan oktober yang baru dibayarkan 1,5 juta oleh kantor pusat, keterangannya :

Mas eko sudah telpon ke mbak Nia di keuangan, maksudnya, Bulan Oktober kita sudah masuk ke kantor baru dengan gaji modern, padahal yang dibayarkan baru 1,5 jt. Jadi dengan perhitungan grade 9 kira-kira terima 6,5 jt berarti masih ada sisa 5jt yang belum dibayarkan, asyik deh. Ini bagi temen-temen di kantor modern dengan 100% pembayaran. Untuk yang belum modern silahkan dikalikan 75%. Hasilnya masih gede juga khan?

  1. Trus terima Tunjangan bulan November untuk dasar grade 9 dapet 6,5 jt. Jadi total penerimaan Duit bulan November, ya sekitar 11,5 juta gitu deh. Kemungkinan masih ada duit sisa gaji setelah dikurangi denda sekitar 100rb. Wah kumpulannya lumayan ya…

Rencana temen-temen mesti banyak yang mau beli laptop. Biasanya kondisi kantor tak seindah yang kita bayangkan. Di ruanganku yang pegawenya 12 orang Cuma ada 3 komputer, alhasil saat bareng-bareng mau make computer, akhirnya mesti antri. Susah juga kalau kerjaannya gak bias diganggu.

Hari-hariku lagi dimintai buat Rencana Kerja (RK) untuk usulan canvassing, peningkatan WP OP lewat data PBB sama Penilaian Individual. Buat aku yang masih yunior dan lagi belum pernah buat RK ini pengalaman pertama dan mesti bolak-balik dipanggil kepala kantor. Dari dulu waktu di Sibolga di Pendanil, hamper kerjaan dari A sampai Z pernah aku kerjain, kecuali buat RK, karena biasanya yang otak-atik RK langsung kepala kantor.


Yah, namanya belajar. Dari situ aku mulai bisa memahami karakter orang-orang kantorku, termasuk kepala kantor dan kepala-kepala seksi. Yah semuanya kujalani dengan enjoy. Lagian sementara ini aku dieksten cukup krasan baik dengan lingkungan kerja maupun dengan karakter orang-orangnya.

Bagaimana dengan temen-temen di kantor baru…?

Friday, October 26, 2007


Bulan oktober ini kayaknya jadi bulan yang cukup berat ya!
Banyak hal yang membuat kita-kita harus berpikir dua kali untuk melangkah.

Pertama kita dikejutkan dengan adanya mutasi pegawai tugas belajar ke kantor baru, yang terkadang membuat pusing. terutama yang kantornya jauh dari jogja atau yang diharuskan mencari tempat berteduh bersama anak dan istri tersayang di kota yang baru. Mutasi yang keluar di akhir bulan September dan dipertengahan bulan puasa membuat beberapa temen termasuk saya klabakan, karena harus mengeluarkan duit lebih untuk transport dan tinggal di kota yang baru. Belum lagi tiket untuk mudik yang bisa 200% naiknya.

Kedua, uang bulanan kita harus kena potongan satu juta. Jumlah yang tidak sedikit mengingat kita hanya terima 3,5 dan harus direlakan 1 jt akhirnya hanya terima 2 jutaan. Yang cukup gak cukup apalagi mau lebaran. Untuk yang dobel gardan mungkin masih bisa dicari solusinya, tetapi yang single fighter bisa jadi masalah.

OK lah bulan oktober akhirnya kita lalui.
Rupanya ada harapan tunjangan untuk bulan Desember 2007. Dengan keluarnya SE 23 tahun 2007 kita bakal mendapatkan tunjangan (impres) sebesar 125% dari TKT bulan Oktober, atau bisa diperkirakan minimal sebesar 4 X TK lama (mohon dikoreksi kalau salah).

Hitungan di atas kertas untuk tunjangan bulan desember (impres) paling tidak dapat 7jt dikurangi 15% PPH semoga dapat sekitar 6 jutaan. Untuk lengkapnya surat edaran bisa didownload di sini. (karena filenya cukup besar, kayaknya agak lama).

Trus untuk urusan berapa duit yang kita terima awal Nopember, kebetulan saya belum ada sumber yang bisa menjawab permasalahan itu. ini terkait dengan adanya kalimat "terhadap pegawai yang bersangkutan belum dibayarkan kekurangan tunjangan bulan oktober" pada skkp tkpkn. ini kemarin masih ditanyakan sama bendahara ke mbak nia.

Terlepas dari itu, dengan hitungan grade 9 untuk awal nopember kita mendapatkan tunjangan sekitar 6 juta untuk yang 100%. Trus yang belum modern ini masih tanda tanya. Itungan kasar yang berlaku adalah 75% sekitar 4,5 juta. Tapi untuk yang transisi dari kantor lama ke modern biasanya tunjangan tidak bisa langsung dibayarkan, tetapi melalui rapel. Jadi untuk temen-temen di Jawa Tengah dan DIY, mohon bersabar dan tunggu perkembangan selanjutnya. Dan TERUSLAH BERDOA.

Untuk urusan SPPD dari beberapa teman paket pos nya yang sudah saya terima via Kantor Pratama Gropet adalah :
1. Mas Akhid
2. Mas Sutrisno
3. Mas Hevy
4. Mas Samsu
5. Mas Sterry, Sony & Masidi
6. Mas U'Uk

Untuk yang lain yang belum kirim, saya tunggu sampai hari jumat minggu depan, dan rencana akan saya bawa ke kantor pusat hari senin nya (tgl 5 Nopember 2007).
Sekali lagi mohon kesabarannya tentang pengurusan SPPD.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Berikut adalah mutasi eselon IV yang sudah keluar hari Kamis sore, 11/10/2007.
Download di sini.

O iya masalah grade nampaknya bakal jadi obrolan seru.
Apalagi di beberapa kantor masalah ini jadi masalah krusial. Kebijakan kepala kantor yang memang belum ada standar pemberian grade menjadikan kecemburuan sosial antar pegawai.

Beberapa kantor yang sejak diberlakukan grade sudah ada masalah internal, yang saya tahu ada beberapa kpp pratama di jakarta yang sampai pegawai protes dengan tidak menerima gaji berdasar grade yang diusulkan, akhirnya merevisi ulang pemberian grade.

Di beberapa kantor pajak pratama kepala kantor memberi grade minim, bahkan untuk golongan III/a, gradenya hanya 8, III/b hanya 9. Semua itu berpulang pada kepala kantor.
Di sisi lain ada kantor yang menerapkan grade sangat tinggi, bahkan ada golongan III/a yang diberi grade 11.
Itulah yang memicu kecemburuan sosial diantara pegawai.

Informasi terakhir yang saya dengar katanya bulan desember 2007 ini pemberian grade akan ditinjau ulang karena telah menimbulkan permasalahan internal di kantor. Ekstrimnya bahkan ada pegawai yang jadi males-malesan masuk karena diberi grade terlalu rendah.

Mari kita tunggu bulan depan dapat grade berapa kita?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pengurusan SPPD

Sebelumnya saya minta maaf kepada rekan-rekan geomatika 6, karena saya memposting Urusan SPPD ini di blog saya, bukan di geomatika6 atau thegeom, ini dikarenakan sampai saat ini saya belum menjadi team blog (walaupun saya telah meminta akses kepada mas Ervandi), mungkin karena kesibukannya akses tersebut belum bisa saya dapatkan.

Bagi rekan-rekan Geomatika 6 penempatan di luar Jakarta ada beberapa hal yang dapat diinformasikan berkaitan dengan SKPP gaji, SKPP TK dan pengurusan SPPD.

  1. SKPP TK telah diterbitkan oleh bagian keuangan kantor pusat, telah diambil dan telah dikirim via TIKI pada hari Sabtu (6 Oktober 2007) jam 09.00. Dalam hal ini ada beberapa kota tujuan yang tidak bisa dilayani secara kilat, sehingga menggunakan jasa hantaran biasa (kalau gak salah Garut sama Situbondo), sehingga kemungkinan besar untuk 2 kota tersebut datangnya SKPP TK agak telat.
  2. SKPP Gaji belum bisa dikeluarkan, menurut keterangan mbak nia, SKPP Gaji ditahan di kantor pusat menunggu kewajiban kita pengembalian uang kelebihan Tunjangan selesai. Diperkirakan setelah Gajian bulan Desember SKPP Gaji baru dapat diterbitkan (januari 2008).
  3. Berkaitan dengan Pengurusan SPPD/Uang Pindah dapat disampaikan beberapa hal :
Ada teman kita (Jarot Sugistoro) yang sudah mengurus SPPD, sehingga pengalaman dari rekan Jarot ini perlu diinformasikan ke teman-teman.

· Tahap pertama adalah mengisi blangko KP4, Daftar Keluarga yang ikut Pindah dan Surat Kuasa. silahkan download berkas di sini. Selanjutnya KP4, Daftar Keluarga yang telah ditandatangani masing-masing dan surat kuasa yang telah ditandatangani masing-masing dan diberi materai 6 ribu, silahkan dikirimkan via Pos ke alamat di bawah ini (Rangkap 3 (tiga) untuk KP4 & Daftar Keluarga, rangkap 2 (1 asli/bermaterai 1 copy) untuk Surat kuasa :

Wisma Sucofindo Jl. Letjen. S Parman No. 102
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· Tahap selanjutnya blangko-blangko yang sudah siap dimintakan tanda tangan di bagaian kepegawaian dan dibagian administrasi dan tunjangan (diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu 2 – 4 hari).

· Blangko-blangko tersebut akan segera dimasukkan ke bagian SPPD Diperkirakan waktu memasukkan sampai uang bisa cair 1 – 2 bulan tergantung kelancaran berkas. Biasanya masing-masing tidak bareng.

Penting : Agar mudah untuk ijin2 saya dari kantor sebaiknya berkas sudah saya terima tanggal 3 November, jadi tgl 5 November berkas bareng2 sudah bisa dimasukkan ke kantor pusat.

Untuk pengurusan SPPD kemarin saya (Prast) sudah berbincang-bincang dengan Mervandi, dan di antara rekan-rekan yang ada di Jakarta, akses ke kantor pusat dari Kantor Saya lebih cepat, dan semoga saya ada waktu longgar di antara kesibukan di kantor modern. Cuma sama mas Ervandi saya katakan Saya bisa bantu menguruskan SPPD Cuma mungkin saya gak bisa cepet. Jadi bagi rekan-rekan yang kebetulan nitip pengurusan SPPDnya sama saya, mohon sabar kalau mungkin gak bisa cepet banget seperti yang diharapkan, mengingat suasana kerja kantor pratama yang kurang memungkinkan untuk sering-sering ijin ke kantor pusat.

Untuk pertanyaan dan Saran silahkan posting di sini atau sms di 081361230365 / 08112502098

link download berkas sppd :
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Bagi rekan-rekan yang sementara tinggal di Jogja dan ingin nitip berkas, silahkan datang ke rumah di Perdana Computer Jl. Pramudya wardani No. 8 Borobudur, sekalian kalau ingin wisata ke Candi Borobudur..
Untuk Denah rumah bisa di download disini. O iya, rencana saya mau balik ke Jakarta minggu pagi (21 Okt 2007) jam 05.00 pagi. Jadi kalau ada yang mau nitip silahkan ke rumah sebelum hari minggu. Terima kasih.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bingungnya Jakarta

O alah, Jakarta lagi-Jakarta lagi.

Orang bilang Jakarta jadi tumpuan harapan berjuta-juta orang. Jakarta terkadang juga dibilang "Kejamnya ibu tiri tak sekejam Jakarta". Itulah kenyataannya. Jakarta jadi harapan dan dibenci orang. Jadi surga dan jadi neraka.

Jadi Surga bagi mereka yang memang punya kemampuan kerja, bisa bersaing dengan banyak orang, punya individu menonjol, punya pandangan luas dan visi ke depan yang jelas.
Jadi Neraka bagi mereka yang hanya menggantungkan angan-angan, kerja meminta belas kasihan, tak punya keahlian, tak punya kekhasan pribadi, hanya sebagai "orang biasa" dan benar-benar Neraka bagi mereka yang tak punya arah dan tujuan yang jelas.

Beberapa hari lalu kembali aku melangkah ke Jakarta setelah hampir 3 tahun aku tak mengungjunginya. Lalu lintas padat dan macet yang dulu sudah 'familier' dengan diriku kini rasanya asing lagi dan menjadi hal yang sangat menyebalkan.

Marilah kita mengurai kenapa jakarta jadi kota "enak" untuk cari gaji, tetapi "gak enak" untuk tinggal.
  1. Jalanan macet di mana-mana, jarak dekat pun terkadang gak bisa diperkirakan waktunya. Padahal orang-orang yang kerja di jakarta barat atau tangerang bisa jadi tinggal di bekasi. Begitu juga sebaliknya orang jakarta utara kerja di bogor, yah banyangkan aja, waktu yang harus ditempuh. Ibu-ibu sekantorku kerja di grogol berangkat dari bekasi, tiap hari jam setengah enam harus sudah berangkat dari rumah. pulang? ketemu anak istri?
  2. Lingkungan kotor, itu jadi hal yang tidak sehat. Bayangkan berapa kandungan debu dalam udara yang kita hirup setiap hari? Sesak napas? Belum lagi asap kendaraan bermotor yang sekarang sudah tak bisa dikurangi lagi.
  3. Jakarta terkadang dibayangi oleh birokrasi. Apa-apa serba- duit. Konotasi yang selalu melekat di benak semua orang Indonesia. Walaupun akhir-akhir ini aku lihat sudah banyak perbaikan terutama pada pemerintahan gubernur Sutiyoso. Yah semoga arahnya jadi lebih baik.

Akhirnya kita tinggal di manapun bumi selalu dipijak-langit selalu dijunjung, artinya ingatlah ada bawah dan ada atas. Teman-teman yang di Jakarta juga jangan cepat mengeluh. apalagi yang di daerah jauuuh dari kota besar. Semua ada hikmahnya :
  1. Ketika di daerah saya pernah agak 'mutung' kata orang Jawa. setelah saya bisa menerima keadaan ternyata banyak sekali hikmah yang bisa diambil. minimal bisa membuat saya lebih menghayati arti hidup ini. Saya jadi lebih bisa memanfaatkan waktu, karena ketika saya ditempatkan di pelosok, tak banyak yang bisa dilakukan. toko buku gak ada, internet mahalnya minta ampun, jauh dari sanak saudara, ongkos pulang mahal banget. Sekarang aku selalu memanfaatkan waktu untuk kegiatan yang bermanfaat minimal selalu menggali ilmu dimanapun, kapanpun, semoga bisa jadi bekal di masa depan.
  2. Saat di kota besar, tujuan saya adalah menjalin tali silaturahmi sebanyak-banyaknya dengan orang-orang di 'pusat', siapa tahu suatu saat saya perlu banyak konsultasi ketika saya harus menjalani kehidupan di daerah lagi.

Terlepas dari semua itu semua orang punya visi dan misi. Silahkan terapkan misi dan visi anda atau bahkan strategi yang harus digelar. Selamat berjuang teman-temanku. Bekerjalah dengan baik. Jadikan diri kita teladan minimal bagi keluarga kita yang di rumah. amiien.

Friday, September 28, 2007

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Semoga dapat membantu!

Thursday, September 13, 2007



View of Machu Picchu, Peru

View of Machu Picchu, Peru

The history of European tourism can perhaps be said to originate with the medieval pilgrimage. Although undertaken primarily for religious reasons, the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales quite clearly saw the experience as a kind of holiday (the term itself being derived from the 'holy day' and its associated leisure activities). Pilgrimages created a variety of tourist aspects that still exist - bringing back souvenirs, obtaining credit with foreign banks (in medieval times utilising international networks established by Jews and Lombards), and making use of space available on existing forms of transport (such as the use of medieval English wine ships bound for Vigo by pilgrims to Santiago De Compostela). Pilgrimages are still important in modern tourism - such as to Lourdes or Knock in Ireland. But there are modern equivalents - Graceland and the grave of Jim Morrison in Père Lachaise Cemetery.

During the seventeenth century, it became fashionable in England to undertake a Grand Tour. The sons of the nobility and gentry were sent upon an extended tour of Europe as an educational experience. The eighteenth century was the golden age of the Grand Tour, and many of the fashionable visitors were painted at Rome by Pompeo Batoni. A modern equivalent of the Grand Tour is the phenomenon of the backpacker, although cultural holidays, such as those offered by Swann-Hellenic, are also important.

Health tourism

Health tourism has always existed, but it was not until the eighteenth century that it became important. In England, it was associated with spas, places with supposedly health-giving mineral waters, treating diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis. The most popular resorts were Bath, Cheltenham, Buxton, Harrogate, and Tunbridge Wells. Visits to take 'the waters' also allowed the visitors to attend balls and other entertainments. Continental Spas such as Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) attracted many fashionable travellers by the nineteenth century.

It could be argued that Britain was the home of the seaside holiday. In travelling to the coast, the population was following in the steps of Royalty. King George III made regular visits to Weymouth when in poor health. At the time, a number of doctors argued the benefits of bathing in sea water, and sea bathing as a widespread practice was popularised by the Prince Regent (later George IV), who frequented Brighton for this purpose.

Leisure travel

The Colca Canyon in Arequipa, Peru

The Colca Canyon in Arequipa, Peru

Leisure travel was associated with the industrialisation of United Kingdom – the first European country to promote leisure time to the increasing industrial population. Initially, this applied to the owners of the machinery of production, the economic oligarchy, the factory owners, and the traders. These comprised the new middle class. Cox & Kings were the first official travel company to be formed in 1758. Later, the working class could take advantage of leisure time.

The British origin of this new industry is reflected in many place names. At Nice, one of the first and best-established holiday resorts on the French Riviera, the long esplanade along the seafront is known to this day as the Promenade des Anglais; in many other historic resorts in continental Europe, old well-established palace hotels have names like the Hotel Bristol, the Hotel Carlton or the Hotel Majestic - reflecting the dominance of English customers.

Winter tourism

Ski Tourists at the  Pyongchang Ski Resort, Gangwon-do, Korea.

Ski Tourists at the Pyongchang Ski Resort, Gangwon-do, Korea.

Winter sports were largely invented by the British leisured classes, initially at the Swiss village of Zermatt (Valais), and St Moritz in 1864. The first packaged winter sports holidays took place in 1902 at Adelboden, Switzerland. Winter sports were a natural answer for a leisured class looking for amusement during the coldest season.

The Fun Ski & Snow Festival, which has been organized annually by Korea tourism organization since 1998 and participated by about 10,000 tourists from Asia, is one of the most successful winter tourism products in Asia. The festival provides a variety of events such as ski and sled competitions, ski and snow board lessons, performances and recreational activities. Majority of the event participants are foreign visitors who come from countries with a warm climate that have no snow. The event offers them opportunities to enjoy winter and winter sports in Korea. In addition, southern South American countries making up the Patagonia region in Chile and Argentina attract thousands of tourists every year. Skiing is extremely popular in the mountainous areas.

Mass tourism

Tourists at the Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy.

Tourists at the Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy.

La Caleta beach in Cádiz, Spain.

La Caleta beach in Cádiz, Spain.

Malá Strana (Lesser Quarter) packed with tourists on a busy summer day in Prague, Czech Republic.

Malá Strana (Lesser Quarter) packed with tourists on a busy summer day in Prague, Czech Republic.

Mass travel could only develop with improvements in technology allowed the transport of large numbers of people in a short space of time to places of leisure interest, and greater numbers of people began to enjoy the benefits of leisure time.

In the United States, the first great seaside resort, in the European style, was Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Long Island.

In Continental Europe, early resorts included Ostend (for the people of Brussels), and Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais) and Deauville (Calvados) (for Parisians).

In Britain

The pioneer of modern mass tourism was Thomas Cook who, on 5 July 1841, organized the first package tour in history. He arranged for the rail company to charge one shilling per person for a group of 570 temperance campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough, eleven miles away. Cook was paid a share of the fares actually charged to the passengers, as the railway tickets, being legal contracts between company and passenger, could not have been issued at his own price. There had been railway excursions before, but this one included entrance to an entertainment held in private grounds, rail tickets and food for the train journey. Cook immediately saw the potential of a convenient 'off the peg' holiday product in which everything was included in one cost. He organised packages inclusive of accommodation for the Great Exhibition, and afterwards pioneered package holidays in both Britain (particularly in Scotland) and on the European continent (where Paris and the Alps were the most popular destinations).

He was soon followed by others (the Polytechnic Touring Association, Dean and Dawson etc.), with the result that the tourist industry developed rapidly in late Victorian Britain. Initially it was supported by the growing middle classes, who had time off from their work, and who could afford the luxury of travel and possibly even staying for periods of time in boarding houses.
The Bank Holidays Act 1871 introduced a statutory right for workers to take holidays, even if they were not paid at the time. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the tradition of the working class holiday had become firmly established in Britain. These were largely focused upon the seaside resorts.

The spread of the railway network in the nineteenth century resulted in the growth of Britain's seaside towns by bringing them within easy distance of Britain's urban centres. Blackpool was created by the construction of a line to Fleetwood, and some resorts were promoted by the railway companies themselves - Morecambe by the Midland Railway and Cleethorpes by the Great Central Railway. Other resorts included Scarborough in Yorkshire, servicing Leeds and Bradford; Weston-super-Mare in Somerset, catering for the inhabitants of Bristol; and Skegness, patronised by the residents of the industrial East Midlands. The cockneys of London flocked to Southend-on-Sea, mainly by Thames Steamer, and the South Coast resorts such as Broadstairs, Brighton, and Eastbourne were only a train ride away, with others further afield such as Bournemouth, Bognor Regis and Weymouth.

For a century, domestic tourism was the norm, with foreign travel being reserved for the rich or the culturally curious. A number of inland destinations, such as the English Lake District, and Snowdonia appealed to those who liked the countryside and fine scenery. The holiday camp began to appear in the 1930s, but this phenomenon really expanded in the post-war period. Butlins and Pontins set this trend, but their popularity waned with the rise of overseas package tours and the increasing comforts to which visitors became accustomed at home. Towards the end of the 20th century this market has been revived by the upmarket inland resorts of Dutch company Center Parcs.

Cox & Co, the forebear of Cox & Kings were in existence from 1758 largely entwined with the travel arrangements for the British Army serving around the Empire. While acting as 'agents' for various regiments, they organised the payment, provision, clothing and travel arrangements for members of the armed forces. In the 19th century their network of offices contained a banking and also travel department. The company became heavily involved with affairs in India and its Shipping Agency had offices in France and the Middle East.

Other phenomena that helped develop the travel industry were paid holidays:

  • 1.5 million manual workers in Britain had paid holidays by 1925

  • 11 million by 1939 (30% of the population in families with paid holidays)

NGOs and government agencies may sometimes promote a specific region as a tourist destination, and support the development of a tourism industry in that area. The contemporary phenomenon of mass tourism may sometimes result in overdevelopment; alternative forms of tourism such as ecotourism seek to avoid such outcomes by pursuing tourism in a sustainable way.


Increasing speed on railways meant that the tourist industry could develop internationally. To this may be added the development of sea travel. By 1901, the number of people crossing the English Channel from England to France or Belgium had passed 0.5 million per year. Shipping companies were anxious to fill cabin space that was under utilised.

For example, P&O found that the majority of their passengers for India and the Far East joined the ship at Marseilles. Consequently, they marketed holidays based upon sea trips from London to Lisbon and Gibraltar. Other companies diverted their older ships to operate cruises in the summer months.

However, the real age of international mass travel began with the growth of air travel after World War Two. In the immediate post-war period, there was a surplus of transport aircraft, such as the popular and reliable Douglas Dakota, and a number of ex military pilots ready to fly them. They were available for charter flights, and tour operators began to use them for European destinations, such as Paris and Ostend.

Vladimir Raitz pioneered modern package tourism when on 20 May 1950 his recently founded company, Horizon, provided arrangements for a two-week holiday in Corsica. For an all inclusive price of £32.10s.-, holiday makers could sleep under canvas, sample local wines and eat a meal containing meat twice a day - this was especially attractive due to the continuing austerity measures in post-war United Kingdom. Within ten years, his company had started mass tourism to Palma (1952), Lourdes (1953), Costa Brava (1954), Sardinia (1954), Minorca (1955), Porto (1956), Costa Blanca (1957) and Costa del Sol (1959).

These developments coincided with a significant increase in the standard of living in Britain. Further, the contribution of affordable air travel in combination with the package tour enabled international mass tourism to develop. The postwar introduction of an international system of airline regulation was another important factor. The bilateral agreements at the heart of the system fixed seat prices, and airlines could not fill blocks of empty seats on underused flights by discounting. But if they were purchased by a tour operator and hidden within the price of an inclusive holiday package, it would be difficult to prove that discounting had taken place - even though it was obvious that it had!

Another significant development also happened at the end of this decade. The devaluation of the Spanish peseta made Spain appear a particularly attractive destination. The cheapness of the cost of living attracted increasing numbers of visitors. Mass package tourism has at times been an exploitative process, in which tour operators in a country with a high standard of living make use of development opportunities and low operating costs in a country with a lower standard of living. However, as witness the development of many tourist areas in previously poor parts of the world, and the concomitant rise in standards of living, when there is equality of bargaining power, both parties can gain economic benefits from this arrangement.

Spain and the Balearic Islands became major tourist destinations, and development probably peaked in the 1980s. At the same time, British tour operators developed the Algarve in Portugal. The continuing search for new, cheaper, destinations spread mass tourism to the Greek Islands, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, and more recently Croatia.

For someone living in greater London, Venice today is almost as accessible as Brighton was 100 years ago. Consequently, the British seaside resort experienced a marked decline from the 1970s onwards. Some, such as New Brighton, Merseyside have disappeared. Others have reinvented themselves, and now cater to daytrippers, the weekend break market or business conferences.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Vacation is a term used in English-speaking North America to describe a lengthy time away from work or school, a trip abroad, or simply a pleasure trip away from home, such as a trip to the beach that lasts several days or longer. In the rest of the English-speaking world the word holiday is used, whereas in North America, "holiday" normally applies to a specific national holiday or long weekend related to such a day. In some cases "vacation holiday" is used in North America, which signifies that a vacation trip is taken during a traditional national holiday period, extended on either end of the period by taking additional time off from work—creating a longer time unencumbered by work, an extended "long weekend", as it were. This practice is common in the United States where employers give far fewer annual vacation days (see below) than European employers—so stretching the related national holidays tends to conserve one's accumulated total of eligible days available for longer quality vacation excursions.

In England the word "vacation" referred specifically to the long summer break taken by the law courts (and later universities)—a custom introduced by William the Conqueror from Normandy where it was intended to facilitate the grape harvest. The French term is similar to the American English: "Les Vacances." The term derives from the fact that, in the past, upper-class families would literally move to a summer home for part of the year, leaving their usual family home vacant.

Most countries around the world have labor laws mandating a certain number of days of time off per year to be given to a worker. In Canada the legal minimum is two weeks, while in most of Europe the limit is significantly higher. Neither the U.S. nor China requires that employees receive any vacation time at all. There are movements fighting for laws requiring more vacation time for American workers such as

In modern employment practice, vacation days are often coupled with Sick leave, official holidays, and sometimes personal days.

Americans and Canadians, especially those of recent British or European descent, may also use the word "holiday." "Annual Leave" is another expression used in Commonwealth countries. Many Canadians use both "holiday" and "vacation"; "...I'm taking holidays..." is a common expression, something not often heard in the United States.



The word golf was first mentioned in writing in 1457 on a Scottish statute on forbidden games as gouf, possibly derived from the Scots word goulf (variously spelled) meaning "to strike or cuff". This word may, in turn, be derived from the Dutch word kolf, meaning "bat," or "club," and the Dutch sport of the same name. But there is an even earlier reference to the game of golf and it is believed to have happened in 1452 when King James II banned the game because it kept his subjects from their archery practice.


Main article: History of golf

Golf is a very old game of which the exact origins are unclear. The origin of golf is open to debate as to being Chinese, Dutch or Scottish. However, the most accepted golf history theory is that this sport originated from Scotland in the 1100s.

A game somewhat similar to golf was first mentioned in Dōngxuān Records (Chinese: 東軒錄), a Chinese book of 11th Century. It was also mentioned in February 26 in the year 1297 in the Netherlands in a city called Loenen aan de Vecht. Here the Dutch played a game with a stick and leather ball. Whoever hit the ball into a target several hundreds of meters away the most number of times, won.

However, modern golf is considered to be a Scottish invention, as the game was mentioned in two 15th century laws prohibiting the playing of the game of gowf. Some scholars have suggested that this refers to another game which is more akin to modern shinty, hurling or field hockey than golf. A game of putting a small ball in a hole in the ground using clubs was played in 17th century Netherlands. The word golf derives from the Dutch kolf meaning stick, club or bat (see: Kolven). Flourishing trade over the North Sea during the Middle Ages and early Modern Period led to much language interaction between Scots, Dutch, Flemish and other languages. There are reports of even earlier accounts of golf from continental Europe.

The oldest playing golf course in the world is The Old Links at Musselburgh Racecourse. Evidence has shown that golf was played on Musselburgh Links in 1672 although Mary, Queen of Scots reputedly played there in 1567.

Golf courses have not always had eighteen holes. The St Andrews Links occupy a narrow strip of land along the sea. As early as the 15th century, golfers at St Andrews, in Fife, established a customary route through the undulating terrain, playing to holes whose locations were dictated by topography. The course that emerged featured eleven holes, laid out end to end from the clubhouse to the far end of the property. One played the holes out, turned around, and played the holes in, for a total of 22 holes. In 1764, several of the holes were deemed too short, and were therefore combined. The number was thereby reduced from 11 to nine, so that a complete round of the links comprised 18 holes.

The major changes in equipment since the 19th century have been better mowers, especially for the greens, better golf ball designs, using rubber and man-made materials since about 1900, and the introduction of the metal shaft beginning in the 1930s. Also in the 1930s the wooden golf tee was invented. In the 1970s the use of metal to replace wood heads began, and shafts made of graphite composite materials were introduced in the 1980s.

World popularity

In 2005 Golf Digest calculated that there were nearly 32,000 golf courses in the world, approximately half of them in the United States.[8] The countries with most golf courses in relation to population, starting with the best endowed were: Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Canada, Wales, United States, Sweden, and England (countries with fewer than 500,000 people were excluded). Apart from Sweden, all of these countries have English as the majority language, but the number of courses in new territories is increasing rapidly. For example the first golf course in the People's Republic of China opened in the mid-1980s, but by 2005 there were 200 courses in that country.

The professional sport was initially dominated by Scottish then English golfers, but since World War I, America has produced the greatest quantity of leading professionals. Other Commonwealth countries such as Australia and South Africa are also traditional powers in the sport. Since around the 1970s, Japan, Scandinavian and other Western European countries have produced leading players on a regular basis. The number of countries with high-class professionals continues to increase steadily, especially in East Asia. South Korea is notably strong in women's golf.

The last decade or so has seen a marked increase in specialised golf vacations or holidays worldwide. This demand for travel which is centered around golf has led to the development of many luxury resorts which cater to golfers and feature integrated golf courses.

Golf course

Main article: Golf course

The famous 17th hole of the TPC at Sawgrass Stadium Course.

The famous 17th hole of the TPC at Sawgrass Stadium Course.

Golf is played in an area of land designated a golf course. A course consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a teeing area, fairway, rough and other hazards, and the green with the pin and cup. A typical golf course consists of eighteen holes, but many have only nine.

Play of the game

Every game of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. A round typically consists of 18 holes that are played in the order determined by the course layout. On a nine-hole course, a standard round consists of two successive nine-hole rounds. A hole of golf consists of hitting a ball from a tee on the teeing box (a marked area designated for the first shot of a hole, a tee shot), and once the ball comes to rest, striking it again. This process is repeated until the ball is in the cup. Once the ball is on the green (an area of finely cut grass) the ball is usually putted (hit along the ground) into the hole. The goal of resting the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible may be impeded by various hazards, such as bunkers and water hazards.

Players walk (or drive in motorized carts) over the course, either singly or in groups of two, three, or four, sometimes accompanied by caddies who carry and manage the players' equipment and give them advice. Each player plays a ball from the tee to the hole, except that in the mode of play called foursomes two teams of two players compete, and the members of each team alternate shots using only one ball until the ball is holed out. When all individual players or teams have brought a ball into play, the player or team whose ball is the farthest from the hole is next to play. In some team events a player whose ball is farther from the hole may ask his partner to play first. When all players of a group have completed the hole, the player or team with the best score on that hole has the honor, that is, the right to tee off first on the next tee.

Each player acts as marker for one other player in the group, that is, he or she records the score on a score card. In stroke play (see below), the score consists of the number of strokes played plus any penalty strokes incurred. Penalty strokes are not actually strokes but penalty points that are added to the score for violations of rules or utilizing relief procedures.


A hole is classified by its par, the number of strokes a skilled golfer should require to complete play to the hole. For example, a skilled golfer expects to reach the green on a par-four hole in two strokes, one from the tee (the "drive") and another, second, stroke to the green (the "approach") and then roll the ball into the hole with two putts. Traditionally, a golf hole is either a par-three, -four or -five; some par-six holes exist, but are not usually found on traditional golf courses.

Primarily, but not exclusively, the par of a hole is determined by the tee-to-green distance. A typical length for a par-three hole ranges between 91 and 224 metres (100–250 yd), for a par-four hole, between 225 and 434 metres (251–475 yd). Typically, par-five holes are at between 435 and 630 metres (476–690 yd), and nontraditional par-six holes are any longer distance. These distances are not absolute rules; for example, it is possible that a 500-yard hole could be classed as a par-four hole, since the par for a hole is determined by its 'effective playing length'. If the tee-to-green distance on a hole is predominantly downhill, it will play shorter than its physical length and may be given a lower par rating.

Many eighteen hole courses have four par-three, ten par-four, and four par-five holes, though other combinations exist and are not less worthy than courses of par 72. Many major championships are contested on courses playing to a par of 70 or 71, and it's not rare to find a worthy test (especially in the British Isles) playing to a par of 69 or lower. In many countries, courses are classified, in addition to the course's par, with a course classification describing the play difficulty of a course and may be used to calculate a golfer's playing handicap for that given course (c.f. golf handicap).

The par scoring system can be seen as a way to facilitate the comparison of all golfers' progress around the course in stroke play by providing a common reference score. For example, if player A after completing hole #4 has a cumulative score equal to par (say, 16 strokes), and player B has a cumulative score equal to -1 after hole #6 (say, 23 strokes), then one is able to see more easily that player B has played relatively better than player A, than by comparing their cumulative numbers of strokes (16 vs. 23).


In every form of play, the goal is to play as few strokes per round as possible. Scores for each hole can be described as follows:

Term on a

Specific term



Condor or Vulture (or triple-eagle)

four strokes under par


Albatross (or double-eagle)

three strokes under par


Eagle (or double-birdie)

two strokes under par



one stroke under par



strokes equal to par



one stroke more than par


Double bogey

two strokes over par


Triple bogey

three strokes over par

A snowman (perhaps 4 over par on a par 4 hole) is an informal term in some countries for a score indicating that 8 shots were taken at a single hole.[9]

The two basic forms of playing golf are match play and stroke play.

  • In match play, two players (or two teams) play each hole as a separate contest against each other. The party with the lower score wins that hole, or if the scores of both players or teams are equal the hole is "halved" (drawn). The game is won by the party that wins more holes than the other. In the case that one team or player has taken a lead that cannot be overcome in the number of holes remaining to be played, the match is deemed to be won by the party in the lead, and the remainder of the holes are not played. For example, if one party already has a lead of six holes, and only five holes remain to be played on the course, the match is over. At any given point, if the lead is equal to the number of holes remaining, the match is said to be "dormie", and is continued until the leader increases the lead by one hole, thereby winning the match, or until the match ends in a tie. When the game is tied after the predetermined number of holes have been played, it may be continued until one side takes a one-hole lead, and thereupon immediately wins by one hole.

  • In stroke play, every player (or team) counts the number of shots taken for the whole round or tournament to produce the total score, and the player with the lowest score wins. A variant of stroke play is Stableford scoring, where a number of points (two for the target score) are given for each hole, and the fewer shots taken, the more points obtained, so the aim is to have as many points as possible. Another variant of stroke play, the Modified Stableford method, awards points on each hole in relation to par and then adds the points over a round; for more details on this method, see the article on The INTERNATIONAL, a now-defunct PGA Tour tournament that used Modified Stableford scoring.

There are many variations of these basic principles, some of which are explicitly described in the "Rules of Golf" and are therefore regarded "official." "Official" forms of play are, among others, foursome and four-ball games.


One must pay certain fees to play on a golf course. There are two different fees; the cart fee, which is for the use of a golf cart, and the greens fee, which allows play on the course itself. On some courses, walking is prohibited, and the cart fee is often included with the greens fee.

The greens fee may vary from the equivalent of a few dollars for communal (also known as municipal) courses in many countries, up to that of several hundred dollars for public courses; e.g., greens fees at Pebble Beach can run over $850 as of Spring 2007. Discounts on fees may be offered for players starting their round late (and on many courses, unusually early) in the day. Prices may also vary for seniors and minors, or depending on the season.

[edit] Team play

A foursome (defined in Rule 29) is played between two teams of two players each, in which each team has only one ball and players alternate playing it. For example, if players A and B form a team, A tees off on the first hole, B will play the second shot, A the third, and so on until the hole is finished. On the second hole, B will tee off (regardless who played the last putt on the first hole), then A plays the second shot, and so on. Foursomes can be played as match play or stroke play.

A four-ball (Rules 30 and 31) is also played between two teams of two players each, but every player plays his own ball and for each team, the lower score on each hole is counted. Four-balls can be played as match play or stroke play.

There are also popular unofficial variations on team play. In a scramble, each player in a team tees off on each hole, and the players decide which shot was best. Every player then plays his second shot from within a clublength of where the best ball has come to rest, and the procedure is repeated until the hole is finished. In a Texas scramble, the same rules apply but at least four drives of each member of the team must be used during the course of the round. In best ball, each player plays the hole as normal, but the lowest score of all the players on the team counts as the team's score.

In a greensome, also called modified alternate shot, both players tee off, and then pick the best shot as in a scramble. The player who did not shoot the best first shot plays the second shot. The play then alternates as in a foursome.

A variant of greensome is sometimes played where the opposing team chooses which of their opponent's tee shots the opponents should use. The player who did not shoot the chosen first shot plays the second shot. Play then continues as a greensome. Such a format is known as either gruesomes, bloodsomes or gruesome greensomes.

There is also a form of starting called "shotgun," which is mainly used for tournament play. A "shotgun start" consists of groups starting at different tees, allowing for all players to start and end their round at the same time.

Handicap systems

Main article: Golf handicap

A handicap is a numerical measure of an amateur golfer's ability to play golf over 18 holes. The 2 main formulas used in the game are stroke play (also known as brutto or medal) and match play.

The Stroke play formula is an individual way of playing the game as you are competing against the par of the course. The Stroke play formula is simply the sum of strokes a player shoots over 18 holes and compares it to the par (or the sum of a theoretical number of strokes of an expert player per hole added up over 18 holes). The difference between your number of strokes and the par determines your handicap.

The match play formula is a game during which two players play against each other. In other words, your score per hole depends on the other player's score. This formula was - and still is - very much appreciated by golfers as the state of mind is totally different from a stroke play game, during which the golfer has to 'secure' each and single of his shots in order to play the lower score (number of strokes) possible over 18 holes. In the contrary, the match play rule will allow the player to approach the course in a more aggressive manner in order to win the hole against his opponent. e.g. P1 plays 4 and P2 plays 5: P1 wins the hole and current score on the tee number 2 would be '1 up'. If P2 would like to mention the status of the score, he would say: '1 down' (each player announces his position towards the game).

The so-called "net" score is a formula commonly preferred by players from different proficiency to play against each other on equal terms. Good Ones handicap is subtracted from their round score thus making a game even between two players. e.g. player 1's round score: 90, handicap: 20, the course's par: 70, Player 2's round score: 100, handicap: 30, overall (par): 70. a players handicap determines the quality of their game making a player with a lower handicap better than one with a higher handicap. However, in practice, motivated and ambitious high handicap players strive to lower their handicaps and thus the current official one they show on their cards might not be their real current level, which consequently might put them in a favourable position when playing 'net' formula games.

Handicaps are complicated, but essentially are the average over par of a number of previous rounds, adjusted for course difficulty. Legislations regarding the calculation of handicaps differs among countries and sometimes becomes so complicated that a golfer's handicap might not always mirror his real level of play. For example, Swiss handicap rules include the difficulty of the course the golfer is playing on by taking into consideration factors such as the number of bunkers, the length of the course, the difficulty and slopes of the greens, the width of the fairways, and so on.

Handicap systems are not used in professional golf. Professional golfers often score several strokes below par for a round and thus have a handicap of 0, subtracting 0 from their round score. Someone with a zero handicap is often referred to as a 'scratch golfer.'

Rules and other regulations

The rules of golf are internationally standardised and are jointly governed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A), which was founded 1754 and the United States Golf Association (USGA). By agreement with the R&A, USGA jurisdiction on the enforcement and interpretation of the rules is limited to the United States and Mexico. The national golf associations of other countries use the rules laid down by the R&A and there is a formal procedure for referring any points of doubt to the R&A.

The underlying principle of the rules is fairness. As stated on the back cover of the official rule book: "play the ball as it lies", "play the course as you find it", and "if you can't do either, do what is fair". Some rules state that:

  • every player is entitled and obliged to play the ball from the position where it has come to rest after a stroke, unless a rule allows or demands otherwise (Rule 13-1)

  • a player must not accept assistance in making a stroke (Rule 14-2)

  • the condition of the ground or other parts of the course may not be altered to gain an advantage, except in some cases defined in the rules

  • a ball may only be replaced by another during play of a hole if it is destroyed (Rule 5-3), lost (Rule 27-1), or unplayable (Rule 28), or at some other time permitted by the Rules. The player may always substitute balls between the play of two holes.

The Decisions on the Rules of Golf are based on formal case decisions by the R&A and USGA and are revised and updated every other year.

There are strict regulations regarding the amateur status of golfers.[13] Essentially, everybody who has ever received payment or compensation for giving instruction or played golf for money is not considered an amateur and may not participate in competitions limited solely to amateurs. However amateur golfers may receive expenses which comply with strict guidelines and they may accept non-cash prizes within the limits established by the Rules of Amateur Status.

In addition to the officially printed rules, golfers also abide by a set of guidelines called Golf etiquette. Etiquette guidelines cover matters such as safety, fairness, easiness and pace of play, and a player's obligation to contribute to the care of the course. Though there are no penalties for breach of etiquette rules, players generally follow the rules of golf etiquette in an effort to improve everyone's playing experience.

Hitting a golf ball

To hit the ball, the club is swung at the motionless ball on the ground (or wherever it has come to rest) from a side stance. Many golf shots make the ball travel through the air (carry) and roll out for some more distance (roll).

Every shot is a compromise between length and precision, and long shots are often less precise than short ones. Obviously, a longer shot may result in a better score if it helps reduce the total number of strokes for a given hole, but the benefit may be more than outweighed by additional strokes or penalties if a ball is lost, out of bounds, or comes to rest on difficult ground. Therefore, a skilled golfer must assess the quality of his or her shots in a particular situation in order to judge whether the possible benefits of aggressive play are worth the risks.

[edit] Poor shots

There are several possible causes of poor shots, such as poor alignment of the club, wrong direction of swing, and off-center hits where the clubhead rotates around the ball at impact. Many of these troubles are aggravated with the "longer" clubs and higher speed of swing. Furthermore, the absolute effect of a deviation will increase with a longer shot compared with a short one.

For many people who play golf, the number and variety of poor shots is larger than they would like. Consequently, many, many words have been found to describe the shots--some of them are quite colourful. Some of the more common terms for the poor shots are explained below:

  • Hook : The ball flight curves sharply to the left for a right-handed player (to the right for left-handed players). A severe hook is commonly called a Duck-Hook or a Snap hook.

  • Slice : The ball curves sharply to the right for a right-handed player (to the left for left-handed players). For beginning golfers this is the typical outcome of most shots. A severe slice is commonly referred to as a Banana-Slice or a Banana-Ball.

  • Pull : For a right-handed player the ball is 'pulled' across the body and flies to the left of the intended target without curvature (the ball flies to the right for left-handed players). A Pull-Hook indicates that the ball started out left of target and curved even further to the left. A Pull-Slice means the ball starts out left then curves back to the right.

  • Push : The opposite of a Pull, where the ball is 'pushed' away from the body. The ball flies to the right of the intended target for right-handed players (to the left for left-handed players). A Push-Slice indicates that the ball started out right of target and curved even further to the right. A Push-Hook means the ball starts out right then curves back to the left.

  • Shank or Lateral : The ball is struck by the hosel or the outer edge of the club rather than the clubface and shoots sharply to the right for a right-handed player.

  • hitting it thin or Blade or Skull : The ball is struck with the bottom edge of the club and not its face. This may damage the surface of a golf ball with a soft cover material, and may result in a stinging sensation in one's hands on a cold day.

  • hitting it fat/chunk it : A fat shot occurs when the club strikes the ground before the ball. A large divot is usually produced along with a clubface covered in the divot.

  • Top/duff/dub/grounder : The topside of the ball is struck with the blade of the club. The result usually consists of the ball rolling forward on the ground with much topspin.

  • Sky Ball or Pop-Up : The opposite of a Top. This occurs most frequently when teeing the ball up too high, though sometimes a Sky Ball will occur when the ball is sitting on top of long blades of grass and the club has space to pass under the ball. The top side of the club strikes the bottom side of the ball and forces the ball higher into the air than desired. A true sky ball occurs when the ball travels farther vertically than it does horizontally (although this is sometimes intentionally done with high loft clubs).

  • Double-Hit : Hitting the ball twice in one swing. This occurs most often in chipping or pitching, and is extremely rare in any other kind of shot. This is commonly referred to as a T.C. Chen, named for the Taiwanese golfer who led the 1985 U.S. Open by 5 shots on Sunday, wherein he double-hit a chip on the fifth hole and made an eight, costing him the championship.

  • Flyer : This type of shot usually occurs when playing from deep rough. Grass blades come between the club face and the ball, preventing the club face from imparting maximum backspin on the ball. This loss of lift from backspin will typically cause a lower, longer shot than a cleanly contacted shot. The resulting flight of the ball is that the target is overshot by 10 or more yards and the ball does not stop as quickly on the green.

  • Hood : Somewhere during the swing the clubface becomes more perpendicular to the ground, or angled more toward the golfer. The clubface may strike the ground first or get caught up in heavy rough. This results in the ball flying lower to the ground than intended and usually resulting in a Pull as well.

  • Wormburner, Groundhog Killer or Sally Gunnell : The ball is hit extremely low to the ground, or bounces rapidly across the ground, essentially "burning up worms" or hitting groundhogs as it speeds along.

  • Chili Dip : A common miscue while chipping where the ball is flubbed only a few feet forward. Sometimes referred to as a Chunk.

  • Foot Wedge : An illegal act of literally kicking one's ball to a better location. The character Judge Smails uses this technique in the movie Caddyshack.

  • Whiff or Air Shot : Missing the ball completely after swinging at it counts as a stroke, usually resulting in embarrassment. May be jokingly referred to as a Practice Swing.

  • Iron Hooker : Holding the club too far forward causing a flicking action which results in a major hook.

  • Gunnell/Top : A Gunnell, or Top, is a low shot where the club face makes contact with the top of the ball. Shots that go ¾ distance in this manner are usually referred to as a 'Gunnell', or 'A runner, but not a looker'. The expression originated in England, and is a reference to former Olympic hurdler Sally Gunnell.

  • Pulled a Ty-Ty : When on the tee box and you tee the ball too high and pop it up using a driver. ( known as a pop up.)

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